Your Pitch Inbox

Your personal pitch form and inbox with
AI-assisted opportunity identification.

Get Started
SalesSync Dashboard
99% of B2B sales emails are sent at the wrong time.
SalesSync captures all your incoming pitches and helps you analyze them.

Tired of being bombarded?

Are you tired of being bombarded with endless pitches via email? SalesSync is here to revolutionize your approach to handling these pitches.

Handle Email and LinkedIn

Our platform creates a comprehensive profile, generates shareable links, and offers a convenient browser button to streamline your responses to pitch emails, LinkedIn messages, and more.

Your pitch inbox

With SalesSync, you can finally conquer pitch overload and effortlessly organize your interactions, making it the internet's ultimate pitch platform for a more efficient and productive experience. Join now and take control of your pitch inbox!
Browser button to respond to messages
Capture and categorize all your pitches